SGI Freeware 2002 November
SGI Freeware 2002 November - Disc 4.iso
Text File
199 lines
xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeeeccccttttrrrrllll((((1111)))) UUUUNNNNIIIIXXXX SSSSyyyysssstttteeeemmmm VVVV ((((33330000 NNNNoooovvvveeeemmmmbbbbeeeerrrr 1111999999994444)))) xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeeeccccttttrrrrllll((((1111))))
xmovectrl - xmove control program
xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeeeccccttttrrrrllll [ _x_m_o_v_e__D_I_S_P_L_A_Y ] _c_o_m_m_a_n_d [ _a_r_g_s ] ...
xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeeeccccttttrrrrllll is a command program which sends commands to an
xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeee pseudoserver. The commands allow you to obtain a list
of clients under control of the xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeee,,,, to move some or all
clients to a new server, or to tell xmove to exit.
The environment variable DDDDIIIISSSSPPPPLLLLAAAAYYYY is used to determine the
xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeee to access, since access to xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeee is through a standard
X connection. This default can be overridden by specifying
the display connection for the xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeee pseudoserver as
_x_m_o_v_e__D_I_S_P_L_A_Y on the command line.
Because xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeee supports host-level and MMMMIIIITTTT----MMMMAAAAGGGGIIIICCCC----CCCCOOOOOOOOKKKKIIIIEEEE----1111
security, any connection from an xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeeeccccttttrrrrllll will be rejected
unless the user is permitted access to _x_m_o_v_e'_s default
display. See xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeee((((1111)))) for details about security and
The command options determine the action taken by the
accessed xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeee pseudoserver:
This command takes no arguments. In response to this
command, xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeeeccccttttrrrrllll prints a list of all clients that
are currently under control of the xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeee pseudoserver.
These include both clients started directly under
control of the pseudoserver and clients which were
moved from other machines. For example:
vvvvaaaaggggaaaabbbboooonnnndddd%%%% xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeeeccccttttrrrrllll ----lllliiiisssstttt
1111 ggggnnnnuuuueeeemmmmaaaaccccssss:::: EEEEmmmmaaaaccccssss @@@@ ssssaaaa llllooooccccaaaallll
2222 xxxxtttteeeerrrrmmmm llllooooccccaaaallll
4444 xxxxvvvv iiiinnnnffffoooo ppppeeeeaaaabbbbooooddddyyyy::::0000
5555 FFFFMMMM:::: WWWWaaaasssstttteeee::::VVVV3333....3333 AAAAllllpppphhhhaaaa ssssuuuussssppppeeeennnnddddeeeedddd
Each line contains information on a single client. The
first column contains a number identifying the
particular client. When you wish to move a client, use
this number to specify it. If more than one line has
the same client identification number, xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeee believes
the two clients both belong to the same application,
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xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeeeccccttttrrrrllll((((1111)))) UUUUNNNNIIIIXXXX SSSSyyyysssstttteeeemmmm VVVV ((((33330000 NNNNoooovvvveeeemmmmbbbbeeeerrrr 1111999999994444)))) xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeeeccccttttrrrrllll((((1111))))
and attempting to move one will cause the other to move
also. The second column contains a textual
identification of the client. xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeee obtains this
information as the title string from the first window
created by the client, but that may not always be the
main application window. In the example, client number
5's identification should be "File Manager", but the
File Manager application creates two windows, the first
of which is for a wastecan. The third column specifies
the server on which the client is currently being
displayed. In this column the word 'local' means that
the client is being displayed on xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeee''''ssss default
server, and the word 'suspended' means that the client
is in suspended animation, ie. the client is not
currently being displayed on any server.
----mmmmoooovvvveeeeaaaallllllll _t_o__m_a_c_h_i_n_e__n_a_m_e
This command takes as its only argument the name of a
host machine to which all the clients at this xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeee are
moved. In general it should only be necessary to
specify a machine name as the location, since xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeee
will try to find another xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeee at _t_o__m_a_c_h_i_n_e__n_a_m_e::::1111,,,,
and if it does not find one it will connect directly to
the server at _t_o__m_a_c_h_i_n_e__n_a_m_e::::0000.... If you wish to
override these defaults you can specify a full display
name instead of just a machine name.
If the machine to which you are moving is multiheaded,
you can use the ''''----ssssccccrrrreeeeeeeennnn nnnn'''' option, where _n is the
screen number, immediately after the name of the new
host, in order to specify a particular screen. For
vvvvaaaaggggaaaabbbboooonnnndddd%%%% xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeeeccccttttrrrrllll ----mmmmoooovvvveeeeaaaallllllll sssspppprrrruuuucccceeee ----ssssccccrrrreeeeeeeennnn 1111
Will move all client to screen 1 on host spruce.
The time required to move a client should be roughly
comparable to the time that the client takes to display
when first started. Clients will be unresponsive until
the last one has been moved. Then they will all begin
the process of refreshing their windows.
New with _x_m_o_v_e _1._2 is the ability to place a client in
suspended animation. This removes it from the display
without moving it onto another display. The server can
then go down without affecting the client. Later, the
client can be unsuspended by moving it to a new
display. To suspend a client, move the client and
specify '-_s_u_s_p_e_n_d' as the name of the display to which
it should be moved.
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xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeeeccccttttrrrrllll((((1111)))) UUUUNNNNIIIIXXXX SSSSyyyysssstttteeeemmmm VVVV ((((33330000 NNNNoooovvvveeeemmmmbbbbeeeerrrr 1111999999994444)))) xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeeeccccttttrrrrllll((((1111))))
----mmmmoooovvvveeee _t_o__m_a_c_h_i_n_e__n_a_m_e _c_l_i_e_n_t__i_d__n_u_m_b_e_r__l_i_s_t
This command allows you to specify a list of client id
numbers for clients which should be moved to the new
display. The client numbers should be separated by
spaces. For example:
vvvvaaaaggggaaaabbbboooonnnndddd%%%% xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeeeccccttttrrrrllll ----mmmmoooovvvveeee ssssuuuunnnnttttaaaannnnaaaa 1111 7777 44442222
Will move clients 1, 7 and 42 to the machine named
----sssseeeettttddddeeeeffffaaaauuuullllttttsssseeeerrrrvvvveeeerrrr _d_i_s_p_l_a_y__n_a_m_e
Changes xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeee''''ssss default server to display_name. The
default server is the display to which xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeee sends
newly arriving applications. It should be set to a full
display name, eg. spruce:0. If the specified display is
unusable for any reason the error will likely not be
detected until the next time a new application or
xmovectrl is invoked.
Causes the addressed xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeee and all applications under
it's control to exit.
xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeee(1), xxxxhhhhoooosssstttt(1), xxxxaaaauuuutttthhhh(1), XXXX11111111(7)
xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeeeccccttttrrrrllll waits for the requested move to complete before
returning. Note that the move cannot be cancelled by killing
xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeeeccccttttrrrrllll because the move is actually being done by the
xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeee pseudoserver.
Because xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeee supports host-level and xauth security, any
connection from an xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeeeccccttttrrrrllll will be rejected unless it is
run from a machine or by a user who is permitted access to
xxxxmmmmoooovvvveeee''''ssss default display.
Ethan Solomita, Columbia University
This work was supported by Professor Dan Duchamp of Columbia
University and by Dick Sillman and Jim Kempf of Sun
Microsystems, Inc.
Bug reports and other problems should be sent to
ethan@cs.columbia.edu. Please give all details, including
hardware configuration, make of X server and window manager.
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